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This site is a creative outlet for me, as well as a place where my friends can hang out. Just about anyone can be my friend, so join in on the Forum conversation if you want. Also, the Sailormoon Info section is my analysis of the individual planetary senshi on Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon, currently being dubbed by Cloverway.
Who did the graphics?
I did. Well, mostly. I created the Emoticons which represent me, the title graphics, and the background using Paintshop Pro. The font used in the graphics is called Snidely, and is available in TrueType and Mac formats at Larabie Fonts.
Where's the Laundry?
The Laundry Tips section has been removed due to lack of interest and copyright conflicts with Procter & Gamble. If you really need laundry tips, try Clothesline.
Legal Stuff
The Sailormoon name and likeness, and related names and likenesses are © Naoko Takeuchi, Toei, Kodansha, DiC, Cloverway, Pioneer, and others. All written material and graphics are © Tenohken's Flat unless otherwise noted. Please be nice and don't copy them, as they are my intellectual property and are protected under U.S. Federal law.