A small note: This info is very advanced and may contain spoilers. It is recommended that readers have viewed at least the first three seasons of Sailormoon, preferably the first four. This information delves deep into mythology and history. Be prepared to learn. If you are new to Sailormoon, don't bother reading this, it may only intimidate you.Another small note: Dub names appear in (Parentheses).
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Name: Tsukino Usagi; Princess Serenity (Serena Tsukino; Princess Serena) |
Meaning: Lunar Rabbit; Serenity has two probable sources. One is the name of a dark plane in the first quadrant of the face of the moon, Mare Serenitatis (Sea of Serenity). The other is the name of the Greek moon goddess, Selene. |
Asian mythological significance: The Lunar Rabbit is an imaginary rabbit seen on the moon pounding mochi (flat patties of rice). This feature is often compared with the Western “man in the moon;” in fact the idea of a rabbit in the moon had far more importance to ancient Asians. They regarded the rabbit as a life-giving goddess, who produced rice on the earth. The Princess role is taken from a fairy tale known as the Bamboo Cutter. |
Western mythological significance: Selene was the Greek moon goddess, later identified with the huntress goddess, Artemis. Her closest Roman equivalent was Luna. One of the few tales told of her was that of her love for a young man named Endymion, who she placed under eternal sleep so that he might be youthful forever. |
Alchemical Metal: Silver |
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Name: Mizuno Ami (Amy Anderson) |
Meaning: Friend of Cold Water |
Asian mythological significance: The planet Mercury was associated with the North, with winter, with the Cold, with Water and Ice, and the color black. Mercury’s planetary animal was the Black Tortoise. |
Western mythological significance: Mercury was the Roman god of commerce, associated with the Greek god Hermes. Mercury was known as the god of Intelligence. |
Alchemical Metal: Mercury |
Color significance: Light blue color is used instead of black to represent ice and water. |
Additional Symbolism: Water- and ice-based attacks. One coincidence is that during Mercury’s Aqua Rhapsody attack, she forms a lyre made of ice. The first lyre, according to Greek mythology, was made by Hermes (Mercury) out of a tortoise shell. The Asian planetary animal for Mercury is the Black Tortoise. |
Special Note: Sailor Mercury’s powers really reflect only the Asian side of the mythology. |
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Owning your own home is the ultimate American dream. This is why most of us work so hard in the hopes of one day investing in our very own dream home, whether it’s an apartment, condo unit, bungalow, or mansion. The next step for those who have already achieved this dream is to furnish their homes with furniture that would suit every room, nook and cranny. One of the most coveted pieces are Asian-inspired wooden furniture
and the very first to be decorated and typically one of the most essential rooms in the house is the living room. |
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Name: Aino Minako (Mina Aino) |
Meaning: Pretty Girl of Love |
Asian Mythological Significance: The planet Venus was associated with the color white, with Autumn, wind, and metal, especially gold. Venus’ planetary animal was the White Tiger. |
Western Mythological Significance: Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty, whose Greek equivalent was Aphrodite. |
Alchemical Metal: Copper |
Color Significance: Orange represents gold (and possibly copper?) |
Additional Symbolism: Artemis the guardian cat may be a manifestation of the White Tiger. Most attacks are love related. The planet Venus has long been associated with the Moon, hence Crescent Beam, the Moon Princess deception in the manga, etc. All attacks are based on energy and many are gold colored, reflecting the Asian mythology. |
Special Note: Attacks lean heavily on the Western side. |
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Name: Hino Rei (Raye Hino) |
Meaning: Fire Soul |
Asian mythological significance: The planet Mars was associated with the color red, summer, fire, etc. Mars’ planetary animal was the Red Bird. |
Western mythological significance: Mars was the Roman god of war and, to a lesser extent, fire. He had two sons known as Phobos and Deimos, both gods of fear. |
Alchemical Metal: Iron |
Color Significance: Red is planetary color; purple possibly represents smoke. |
Additional symbolism: Fire Soul Bird attack is manifestation of Red Bird. Crows named Phobos and Deimos; crows are not only associated with the Roman Mars, they are also another manifestation of the Asian Mars Bird. |
Special Note: Like Saturn, Sailor Mars’ powers harmonize the Asian and Western mythologies. |
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Name: Kino Makoto (Lita Kino) |
Meaning: Wisdom/Faithfulness of Trees |
Asian Mythological Significance: The planet Jupiter was associated with the color green or blue, with spring, and with trees and wood. Jupiter’s planetary animal was the Green/Blue Dragon. |
Western Mythological Significance: Jupiter was the Roman god of thunder, known to the Greeks as Zeus. He was also regarded as the god of the sky, and was the most powerful of the gods. |
Alchemical Metal: Tin |
Color Significance: Green is planetary color |
Additional Symbolism: Supreme Thunder Dragon attack is a manifestation of the planetary animal for Jupiter. Jupiter Oak Evolution is a tree attack, thus according to the Asian side, and also an oak and lightning attack, both of which are symbols of the Roman Jupiter. |
Special Note: Most attacks reflect the Western mythology of Jupiter, except for Oak Evolution, which reflects both. |
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Name: Chiba Mamoru; Prince Endymion (Darien Shields [from Mixx]; Prince Darien) |
Meaning: Terrestrial Protector |
Asian mythological significance: none discernible |
Western mythological significance: Endymion was the name of the beloved of the Greek moon goddess, Selene. She placed him under an eternal sleep so that she could see his beautiful face every night forever. |
Alchemical Metal: Gold |
Special Note: Although the terrestrial hero, Tuxedo Kamen also has some solar attributes. |
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Name: Tomoe Hotaru (Hotaru Tomoe) |
Meaning: (roughly) Life Cycle Firefly |
Asian Mythological Significance: The planet Saturn was associated with the element Earth (as in dirt, not the planet), and thus with farming (burying a seed and letting it grow) as well as graves (burying a body and allowing the soul to be reborn). |
Western Mythological Significance: The history of Saturn is double in nature. The original Saturn was the Italian god of agriculture and prosperity. The Romans later identified him with Cronos, the oppressive Greek god of time and gloom. The Romans were conscious of Saturn’s dual nature. In fact, two English adjectives derived from Saturn, Saturnian and Saturnine, are direct opposites: the former meaning happy and prosperous, the latter meaning gloomy and sullen. |
Alchemical Metal: Lead |
Color Significance: Black and purple are gloomy colors representing death. The crystal brooch may represent Life in Death. |
Additional Symbolism: Death Reborn/Ribbon Revolution harmonizes the Asian and Western Saturn symbols. Sailor Saturn’s Glaive probably symbolizes the Greek Cronos’ scythe. Duality reflected, possibly by coincidence, in the happy child Hotaru, and the cold, gloomy Messiah (Sovereign) of Silence. |
Special Note: As in the case of Mars, Saturn harmonizes perfectly between Asian and Western myth. |
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Name: Tenoh Haruka (Amara Tenoh) |
Meaning: Distant Sky King |
Asian Mythological Significance: Japanese name for Uranus, Tenohsei, is merely translated from English name. |
Western Mythological Significance: Uranus was an early Greek sky god. He was deposed and replaced by his son Cronos, who was in turn deposed by his son Zeus. |
Color Significance: Blue and yellow used as sky colors. |
Additional Symbolism: Wields the Space Sword, which, evidently, is associated with outer space, the element of Uranus (also represents the Sword item from the Japanese myth of the three gifts of Amaterasu). |
Special Note: Relies solely on Greek Uranus. |
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Name: Kaioh Michiru (Michelle Kaioh) |
Meaning: High Tide Sea King |
Asian Mythological Significance: Japanese name for Neptune, Kaiohsei, is merely translated from English name. |
Western Mythological Significance: Neptune is the Roman sea god, whom the Greeks called Poseidon. |
Color Significance: Blue and green are sea colors. |
Additional Symbolism: Bears the Mirror item from the Japanese myth of the three gifts of Amaterasu. |
Special Note: Relies solely on Roman Neptune. |
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Name: Meioh Setsuna (Trista Meioh) |
Meaning: Dark King of the Moment |
Asian Mythological Significance: Japanese name for Pluto, Meiohsei, is merely translated from English name. |
Western Mythological Significance: Pluto was the Roman god of death and the underworld. A very gloomy and sullen character. |
Color Significance: Dark colors reflect name of Pluto, Meiohsei (lit. Dark King Star). |
AAdditional Symbolism: Bears the Jewel (Garnet Orb) item from the Japanese myth of the three gifts of Amaterasu. |
Special Note: Since Sailor Pluto guards a door, she may be considered to be based on the character of the Roman Pluto guarding the underworld—if you squint your eyes. Naoko-san probably used Pluto because it is the coldest, most distant, and thus, most lonely planet. |
Furniture |
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